Ngā kākahu ā kura o Tūranga Wāhine
- School black skirt, School black shorts or straight-legged, full-length black trousers
- School black cardigan or School black sweatshirt
- School polo shirt (years 9 and 10) or School senior blouses (years 11 - 13)
- Black sandals with back straps or black flat soled shoes
- Short white or black socks or black pantyhose or tights
- Scarfs – must be red, black or white only
- School jacket or plain black jacket
- For PE: School black t-shirt and black shorts
- Only School shorts can be used for swimming
Non-uniform articles of clothing will be replaced with loan regulation uniform.
GGHS Uniform Prices:
All year levels Years 11-13
Black pleated Skirt $60 Blouse - short sleeve $42
Black shorts $50
Black trousers $54
Black GGHS Jacket $110
Black cardigan $98 Optional for Years 11-13 only
Black sweatshirt $45 Black straight skirt $53
Years 9-10 Optional for Year 13 only
White polo shirt $35 Striped blouse $46
Physical Education T-shirt $20
Physical Education shorts $25
Prices include GST.
Purchase of uniform items during the year can be done through the office. We do not want any ākonga to miss out due to financial reasons. Hardship grants are available. Please see Sandy at the office if you would like to apply.
“Take pride in your school and show it by the way you dress”