General Information

School Hours

The school day begins at 8.30am Monday to Friday. School finishes at 3:00pm Monday to Thursday and at 1.00pm (Seniors), 2.30pm (Juniors) on Friday.


Detailed reports will be sent home to parents/caregivers throughout the year.
Parents are welcome to discuss their students needs with the Principal and staff at any time.

Parent Handbook


Homework has an important place in secondary education. It develops the habit of individual
work and consolidates classroom learning. Homework should be regular but not excessive to
be of value. Parents can help by ensuring conditions at home are favourable for homework and by regularly
checking on that work.


Textbooks and certain items of equipment are supplied by the school.
If students wilfully or carelessly damage them, they will be expected to pay for the damage.

Sports Fee

Students participating in sport teams affiliated to outside sporting organisations will be
expected to pay a subscription to offset costs. 

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