"Te Korowai Tautoko"
Gisborne Girls' High School's Te Korowai Tautoko, is staffed by a teacher in charge of the ORS student learning programme and a teacher aide team.
The department provides speciality education for students with special needs and students who require ongoing support.
At the L.S.U. all students and whanau are supported through Individual Education Plans (IEP) and all programs are tailored to suit the students and their learning needs.
- Transition support given
- Individual academic programmes include NCEA Units
- Individual Education Plans developed with families
- Life skills developed
- Specialist equipment available
- Trained Teachers and Para-professional support provided
- Other Specialist input accessed
- Including Riding for the Disabled
- Open-door policy
- Daily home/school communications
Please feel free to contact the office (ph 868 6092 ext 876)